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The Kate Houck Interview

In this Episode:

Kate Houck is the Executive Director at David's Refuge. She is dedicated to caring for the caregiver. Take a listen to her story and the inspirational story of David’s Refuge.

About Kate Houck:

With an undying love for Polar Spring seltzer and the tendency to belt out 90’s lite rock in the office, Kate finds satisfaction in the little things like backyard bonfires, inspirational quotes, and tending her flock of chickens. She is hungry for life and she loves with a fierceness that translates to anyone in her circle – from our guests to our staff to her family and friends. Someone who would be just as happy if her title were Chief Bottle Washer, Kate is our decisive, driven leader who is always the first to roll up her sleeves. When you get to know Kate, it is hard to decide if she is a total contradiction or incredibly consistent. She is polished and poised one day, and country girl, happy to be covered in mud the next. But you soon find that whether she’s running a marathon, sharing our mission with potential donors, or volunteering at her kid’s school, Kate is a powerhouse and you can rest assured that whatever the task, she is going after it with all her heart.

About David’s Refuge:

Our Mission

To provide respite, resources and support to parents and guardians of children with special needs or life-threatening medical conditions where they will be refreshed, restored, and renewed in their role as caregivers.

Our Vision

To become a community nationally recognized for empowering caregivers to lead their families with strength and grace.

Parenting can be a difficult journey under any circumstances, but it is especially challenging for those who provide full-time care to children with special needs.

These parents rest, reflect and renew with David’s Refuge, where respite and community remind them that they are not alone, the care they give matters and they are loved by God and this community. Complimentary weekend retreats empower couples with self-care skills that build stronger relationships, families, and communities.

Volunteer hosts bring these parents closer to the caregiver community, sharing a common bond and offering critical support. The experience continues with ongoing guidance and special events that engage families and the public.

To contact Kate or donate:


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